
帳票をPDFで作成 VB.NET USE PDF Generator Net Free

帳票をPDFで作成 VB.NET USE PDF Generator Net Free

環境 Windows11 23H2 & Visual Studio 2022 & SQLServer 2022 & PDF Generator Net Free & WebView2













Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net.WebRequestMethods
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement
Imports PdfGeneratorNetFree
Imports PdfGeneratorNetFree.PdfContentItem
Imports PdfGeneratorNetFree.PgnEnum
Imports PdfGeneratorNetFree.PgnStyle
Imports File = System.IO.File
Imports PaperSize = PdfGeneratorNetFree.PgnStyle.PaperSize

Public Class Form1

    Private docPdf As New PdfDocument

    Private pageSize As PaperSize

    Private pageName As String

    '最大行数( 1ページに印刷する行数 )
    Private rowMax As Integer

    Private pageCount As Integer = 0

    Private prtRow As Integer = 1

    ' 印字用フォント
    Private prtFon12 As Font = New Font("MS 明朝", 12, FontStyle.Regular)
    Private prtFon14 As Font = New Font("MS 明朝", 14, FontStyle.Regular)

    ' 印字用テキスト
    Private prtText As System.Drawing.Graphics

    ' マージン
    Private TopMargin As Integer
    Private LeftMargin As Integer

    ' 外部データ
    Private ReadFile As StreamReader
    Private LineText As String

    Private co As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
    Private rs As OleDb.OleDbDataReader
    Private cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
    Private rsRet As Boolean = False

    ' フォーム初期処理
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


        Me.KeyPreview = True

        TextBox3.Text = "縦"

        Label2.Text = "出力フォルダーは、" + OutDir + " です。"

    End Sub

    ' keyDown処理 Endボタンで終了
    Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown

        If e.KeyCode = Keys.End Then
        End If

    End Sub

    ' keyPress処理 Enter = tab
    Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyPress

        If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
            e.Handled = True
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub ComboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox3.SelectedIndexChanged

        TextBox3.Text = ComboBox3.Text

    End Sub

    ' 終了ボタン処理
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


    End Sub

    ' 印刷メニュー処理
    Private Sub 印刷ToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 印刷ToolStripMenuItem.Click

        docPdf = New PdfDocument

        'サイズは、A4Portrait, A4Landscape, Custom があります。
        If TextBox3.Text = "縦" Then
            pageSize = PaperSize.A4Portrait
            pageSize = PaperSize.A4Landscape
        End If


    End Sub

    ' 終了メニュー処理
    Private Sub 終了ToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 終了ToolStripMenuItem.Click


    End Sub

    ' 設定メニュー処理 Para.iniの登録へ
    Private Sub 設定ToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 設定ToolStripMenuItem1.Click

        Dim iform2 As New Form2
        Label2.Text = "出力フォルダーは、" + OutDir + " です。"

    End Sub

    ' 印刷ボタン処理
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
     ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        docPdf = New PdfDocument

        If TextBox3.Text = "縦" Then
            pageSize = PaperSize.A4Portrait
            pageSize = PaperSize.A4Landscape
        End If


    End Sub

    ' 印刷の前処理
    Private Sub docPdf_BeginPdf()

        Dim Count As Integer


            co.ConnectionString = CoString


            cmd.Connection() = co

            cmd.CommandText = "select * from 取引先マスター order by 取引先コード"

            Count = cmd.ExecuteScalar()

            rs = cmd.ExecuteReader()

        Catch ex As OleDbException

            MsgBox("データベース接続エラーです。" & vbCr _
            & ex.Message & vbCr _
            & "終了します")

        End Try

        ' 用意したレコードセットにデータが無い場合印字処理を行わない
        If Count = 0 Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub pdfCreate()

        Dim windir = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%windir%")
        docPdf.AddFont("明朝", windir + "\Fonts\msmincho.ttc", 0)

        Dim BlackText12_Cen = New TextStyle("明朝", 12, Color.Black, FontWeight.Regular, HorizontalAlign.Center, VerticalAlign.Middle)
        Dim BlackText12_Lef = New TextStyle("明朝", 12, Color.Black, FontWeight.Regular, HorizontalAlign.Left, VerticalAlign.Middle)
        Dim BlackText12_Rig = New TextStyle("明朝", 12, Color.Black, FontWeight.Regular, HorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign.Middle)

        Call docPdf_BeginPdf()

        rowMax = 55
        If TextBox3.Text = "横" Then
            rowMax = 38
        End If
        pageCount = 1
        prtRow = 0
        Dim fst = 0
        Dim y = 0

        While rs.Read()

            If fst = 0 Then
                fst = 1
            End If

            If prtRow > rowMax Then
                pageCount += 1
            End If
            y = 14.4 * (rowMax - prtRow) + 28.8
            Dim detail_content() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Text(25, y, 85, 14.4, rs.Item("取引先コード"), BlackText12_Cen),
                                                                 New Text(110, y, 200, 14.4, rs.Item("取引先名"), BlackText12_Lef),
                                                                    New Text(310, y, 280, 14.4, rs.Item("取引先区分"), BlackText12_Cen)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, detail_content)
            prtRow += 1

        End While

        If Not co Is Nothing Then
        End If

        Dim nowTime As Date
        Dim str_nowTime As String
        nowTime = DateTime.Now
        str_nowTime = nowTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")

        File.WriteAllBytes(OutDir + "取引先マスター一覧表_" + str_nowTime + ".pdf", docPdf.GetBinary())

        strUrl = OutDir + "取引先マスター一覧表_" + str_nowTime + ".pdf"
        Dim iform3 As New Form3

    End Sub

    Private Sub Header(page As Int16)

        pageName = "page" + Str(page)

        docPdf.AddPage(pageName, pageSize)

        'Line 始点のX方向の値(pt), 始点のY方向の値(pt), 終点のX方向の値(pt), 終点のY方向の値(pt)
        'Rect 左下原点のXの値(pt), 左下原点のYの値(pt), 横幅の値(pt), 縦幅(pt)

        Dim DotStyle = New StrokeStyle(0.5, Color.Black, DashType.Dot)

        Dim SolidStyle = New StrokeStyle(0.2, Color.Black)

        Dim Recfill = New FillStyle(Color.Yellow)

        Dim BlueText14 = New TextStyle("明朝", 14, Color.Blue, FontWeight.Bold, HorizontalAlign.Center, VerticalAlign.Middle)
        Dim BlueText12_Cen = New TextStyle("明朝", 12, Color.Blue, FontWeight.Bold, HorizontalAlign.Center, VerticalAlign.Middle)
        Dim BlueText12_Lef = New TextStyle("明朝", 12, Color.Blue, FontWeight.Bold, HorizontalAlign.Left, VerticalAlign.Middle)
        Dim BlueText12_Rig = New TextStyle("明朝", 12, Color.Blue, FontWeight.Bold, HorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign.Middle)


        If TextBox3.Text = "縦" Then
            Dim content5() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Rect(25, 14.4, 560, 14.4, fillStyle:=Recfill),
                                                                New Rect(25, 777.6, 560, 14.4, fillStyle:=Recfill)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content5)
            Dim content5() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Rect(25, 14.4, 560, 14.4, fillStyle:=Recfill),
                                                    New Rect(25, 532.8, 560, 14.4, fillStyle:=Recfill)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content5)
        End If

        If TextBox3.Text = "縦" Then
            Dim content1() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(25, 28.4, 25, 792, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content1)
            Dim content2() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(110, 28.4, 110, 792, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content2)
            Dim content3() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(310, 28.4, 310, 792, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content3)
            Dim content4() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(585, 28.4, 585, 792, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content4)
            Dim content1() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(25, 28.4, 25, 547.2, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content1)
            Dim content2() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(110, 28.4, 110, 547.2, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content2)
            Dim content3() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(310, 28.4, 310, 547.2, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content3)
            Dim content4() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(585, 28.4, 585, 547.2, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content4)
        End If

        Dim x1 = 25
        Dim x2 = 585
        Dim y1 = 0
        Dim y2 = 0
        Dim yoko = 560
        Dim tate = 14.4
        Dim iMax = 54
        If TextBox3.Text = "横" Then
            iMax = 37
        End If
        For i = 1 To iMax
            y1 = 14.4 * i + 14.4
            y2 = y1
            Dim content() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, SolidStyle)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, content)
            'y1 = 14.4 * i + 14.4
            'Dim content() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Rect(x1, y1, yoko, tate, SolidStyle)}
            'doc.AddContent("page1", content)

        Dim strPage = "page." + Str(page)
        If TextBox3.Text = "縦" Then
            Dim header_content() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Text(170, 810, 230, 15, "** 取引先マスター一覧表 **", BlueText14),
                                                            New Text(25, 778, 85, 14.4, "取引先コード", BlueText12_Cen),
                                                            New Text(110, 778, 200, 14.4, "取引先名", BlueText12_Cen),
                                                            New Text(310, 778, 280, 14.4, "取引先区分", BlueText12_Cen),
                                                            New Text(520, 810, 65, 14.4, strPage, BlueText12_Rig)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, header_content)
            Dim header_content() As AbstractPdfContentItem = {New Text(170, 564, 230, 15, "** 取引先マスター一覧表 **", BlueText14),
                                                            New Text(25, 532.8, 85, 14.4, "取引先コード", BlueText12_Cen),
                                                            New Text(110, 532.8, 200, 14.4, "取引先名", BlueText12_Cen),
                                                            New Text(310, 532.8, 280, 14.4, "取引先区分", BlueText12_Cen),
                                                            New Text(520, 564, 65, 14.4, strPage, BlueText12_Rig)}
            docPdf.AddContent(pageName, header_content)
        End If

        prtRow = 4

    End Sub

    Private Sub 照会ToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 照会ToolStripMenuItem1.Click

        Dim iform3 As New Form3

    End Sub

End Class


Public Class Form2
    Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Dim stCurrentDir As String = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
        Dim n2 As Integer = FreeFile()
        Dim st As String

        Me.KeyPreview = True


            n = FreeFile()
            FileOpen(n, stCurrentDir & "\PARA.ini", OpenMode.Input)
            TextBox1.Text = LineInput(n)
            TextBox2.Text = LineInput(n)
            TextBox3.Text = LineInput(n)
            TextBox4.Text = LineInput(n)
            TextBox5.Text = LineInput(n)
            TextBox6.Text = LineInput(n)
            TextBox7.Text = LineInput(n)


            FileOpen(n2, stCurrentDir & "\PARA.ini", OpenMode.Output)
            st = ""
            PrintLine(n2, st)

            PrintLine(n2, st)

            PrintLine(n2, st)

            PrintLine(n2, st)

            PrintLine(n2, st)

            PrintLine(n2, st)

            PrintLine(n2, st)


        End Try

        Dim PrinterName As String
        For Each PrinterName _
            In Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters

    End Sub

    Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged

        TextBox6.Text = ComboBox1.Text

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim stCurrentDir As String = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
        Dim n2 As Integer = FreeFile()
        Dim st As String

        FileOpen(n2, stCurrentDir & "\PARA.ini", OpenMode.Output)
        st = TextBox1.Text
        PrintLine(n2, st)
        st = TextBox2.Text
        PrintLine(n2, st)
        st = TextBox3.Text
        PrintLine(n2, st)
        st = TextBox4.Text
        PrintLine(n2, st)
        st = TextBox5.Text
        PrintLine(n2, st)
        st = TextBox6.Text
        PrintLine(n2, st)
        st = TextBox7.Text
        PrintLine(n2, st)

        SYSTEM_NAME = TextBox1.Text
        USER_NAME = TextBox2.Text
        PASSWORD = TextBox3.Text
        SERVER = TextBox4.Text
        LIBL = TextBox5.Text
        prtName = TextBox6.Text
        OutDir = TextBox7.Text + "\"

        CoString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & SYSTEM_NAME _
                 & ";Initial Catalog=" & LIBL _
                 & ";Password=" & PASSWORD & ";User ID=" & USER_NAME & ";"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


    End Sub

    Private Sub Form2_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown

        If e.KeyCode = Keys.End Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form2_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyPress

        If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
            e.Handled = True
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

        Dim fbd As New FolderBrowserDialog

        fbd.Description = "フォルダを指定してください。"
        fbd.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop
        fbd.SelectedPath = "C:\Windows"
        fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = True

        If fbd.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then
            TextBox7.Text = fbd.SelectedPath
        End If

    End Sub

End Class


' フォーム初期処理
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class Form3
    Private Sub Form3_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Me.KeyPreview = True

        If Len(strUrl) > 0 Then
            Me.WebView21.Source = New Uri(strUrl)
        End If

    End Sub

    ' keyDown処理 Endボタンで終了
    Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown

        If e.KeyCode = Keys.End Then
        End If

    End Sub

    ' keyPress処理 Enter = tab
    Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyPress

        If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
            e.Handled = True
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Textbox1 KeyDown処理
    Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown

        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter And TextBox1.Text IsNot String.Empty Then

            Me.WebView21.Source = New Uri(TextBox1.Text)

        End If

    End Sub

    ' 終了ボタン処理
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


    End Sub

    ' 参照ボタン処理
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim ofd As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()

        ofd.InitialDirectory = OutDir
        ofd.Filter = "PDFファイル(*.pdf)|*.pdf"

        If ofd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then

            WebView21.Source = New Uri(ofd.FileName)
            TextBox1.Text = ofd.FileName

        End If

    End Sub

    ' <<  Pre ボタン処理
    Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

        If WebView21.CanGoBack Then


        End If

    End Sub

    ' Next  >> ボタン処理
    Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click

        If WebView21.CanGoForward Then


        End If

    End Sub
    ' Web Change 処理
    Private Sub webView21_SourceChanged(sender As Object, e As Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.CoreWebView2SourceChangedEventArgs) Handles WebView21.SourceChanged

        Button3.Enabled = WebView21.CanGoBack
        Button4.Enabled = WebView21.CanGoForward

        TextBox1.Text = WebView21.Source.ToString()

    End Sub

End Class


Module Module1

    Public F1 As Form1

    Public fname As System.IO.StreamReader
    Public SYSTEM_NAME As String
    Public USER_NAME As String
    Public PASSWORD As String
    Public SERVER As String
    Public LIBL As String
    Public prtName As String
    Public OutDir As String
    Public F2Str As String
    Public strUrl As String
    Public n As Integer = FreeFile()

    Public CoString As String

    Public Sub INI()

            Dim stCurrentDir As String = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
            n = FreeFile()
            FileOpen(n, stCurrentDir & "\PARA.ini", OpenMode.Input)
            SYSTEM_NAME = LineInput(n)
            USER_NAME = LineInput(n)
            PASSWORD = LineInput(n)
            SERVER = LineInput(n)
            LIBL = LineInput(n)
            prtName = LineInput(n)
            OutDir = LineInput(n) + "\"
            MsgBox("設定ファイルエラー:エラーNO:" &
            Err.Number & vbCr & Err.Description & vbCr &

        End Try

        CoString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & SYSTEM_NAME _
                 & ";Initial Catalog=" & LIBL _
                 & ";Password=" & PASSWORD & ";User ID=" & USER_NAME & ";"

    End Sub

End Module
